arij logowhite optimized
Iron & Steel
Spone Iron
(High | Low) Carbon Content
Semi Finished Steel
Steel Billet | Bloom | Slab
Finished Steel
Rebar | Wirerod
Penetration Grade Bitumen | Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen | Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen | Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) | Bitumen Emulsion | Oxidized Bitumen | Cutback Bitumen
Cement & Clinker
Type I - II - V | Low Alkali
Type I - II  - IV - V
White Clinker
42.5 | 52.5
White Cement
42.5 R | 42.5 N
Blast Furnace Slag

What are the benefits of using Garnet Abrasive in Water jet cutting?

For decades and decades, Garnet has been used as an abrasive in sandblasting and waterjet cutting due to its greater physical attributes. Once (+)Garnet Abrasive is added to high-pressure streams of water, it is capable of cutting through rough articles including steel, stone, and aluminum. Even as sensitive material as the glass can be safely cut with no fracturing.

Waterjet Cutting is one of the most typical uses for garnet abrasive, which is probably the most efficient non-thermal cutting method by means of high-pressured water with added a natural abrasive material. Consequently, this progressive technology can cut almost any material, any shape at any thickness whereas establishing an excellent accuracy.

Due to this level of adaptability, suitable ease of procedure makes waterjet technology compare to no other machine tool process in the market.

Some of the most significant privileges of WaterJet cutting includes:

  • Accurate cutting of numerous forms and figures in even the toughest materials such as steel, stone, and aluminum.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Cold cutting which results in no heat-affected regions and no hardening.
  • Faster, compare to the various conventional cutting tools.
  • Stress-free cutting technique.
  • It decreases dust and dangerous gases.
  • The capability of cutting in any desirable direction.


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