arij logowhite optimized
Iron & Steel
Spone Iron
(High | Low) Carbon Content
Semi Finished Steel
Steel Billet | Bloom | Slab
Finished Steel
Rebar | Wirerod
Ferro alloys
ferro alloys | ferro chromium
Penetration Grade Bitumen | Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen | Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen | Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) | Bitumen Emulsion | Oxidized Bitumen | Cutback Bitumen
Cement & Clinker
Type I - II - V | Low Alkali
Type I - II  - IV - V
White Clinker
42.5 | 52.5
White Cement
42.5 R | 42.5 N
Blast Furnace Slag

Gypsum Plaster

Gypsum Plaster Supplier

What is gypsum plaster? Hs code: 25202000:
Gypsum plaster is a white cementing substance that is created by partially or completely drying the mineral gypsum, frequently with the addition of specialized retarders or hardeners. When gypsum and water are combined chemically after being applied in a flexible condition, the gypsum settles and contracts. The Gypsum plaster is used for false ceiling projects, fall walls, etc.
Application of plaster
• Apply the plaster to the surface after it has been prepared, applying it firmly.
• Gypsum plaster stiffens easily, so keep flattening.
• Painting is prohibited until the plaster has dried fully, and the surface after plastering should not be exposed to moisture.
• Additionally, plaster can be placed in several coats. This plaster’s overall thickness should range from 6 to 20 millimeters.
Benefits of gypsum plaster
Smooth to apply: Because of its characteristics, it can provide a uniform neat look to the walls or the ceiling, wherever they are used. Gypsum plaster creates a smooth, level surface on the walls and ceilings that is suitable for painting.
Easy to use: The Gypsum plaster can be used on various surfaces such as metal, bricks, concrete etc. These can also molded smoothly to make various shapes and designs, making them preferred choice for false ceilings. Gypsum plaster should be placed after the surface has been properly prepared to prevent cracking and peeling.
Fire resistant: Because of the presence of water molecules in the chemical structure of Gypsum, there is no hazard as far as fire is concerned. In contrast to cement plaster, gypsum plaster sludge is fairly simple to deal with and mix. Gypsum plaster offers excellent fire resistance.
Fast setting time: In addition to easy to use, it also sets fast thereby making it a preferred choice. Gypsum plaster has the advantage of drying quickly in just 24 hours, which is its main benefit.

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

gypsum plaster

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