Garnet Abrasive could vary based on the country of origin, manufacturing process, mesh size, type of application (Waterjet cutting or Sand Blasting), type of packing, and order quantity. Garnet price also could be offered per Metric Ton or Kilo-gram based on the norms of each manufacturer or country.
The easiest way to find different Garnet Sand Prices is through the below website.
You may discover Garnet Abrasive suppliers and buyers, Garnet Abrasive mesh 20 price, and Garnet Abrasive mesh 80 price, such as Garnet Sandblasting and Garnet Water Jet cutting. For example, the average price for Garnet Abrasive through Indiamart is Rs 12,000 (167$) to Rs 18,000 (251$)/MT. On Alibaba, it is 140$ to 30$/MT, and on Made-in-China, it is 100$ to 300$ MT.
Global Garnet market competition by top twelve manufacturers, with production, price, revenue, and market share for each producer, includes:
Read more Top Garnet Abrasive suppliers (+Website of companies)
The average Garnet price from 2013 to 2018 in India was USD 218.00/MT, in Australia is USD 251.00/MT, in China is USD 263.00/MT, in UAS is USD 671.00/MT, and in Turkey is USD 151.00/MT.