arij logowhite optimized
Iron & Steel
Spone Iron
(High | Low) Carbon Content
Semi Finished Steel
Steel Billet | Bloom | Slab
Finished Steel
Rebar | Wirerod
Ferro alloys
ferro alloys | ferro chromium
Penetration Grade Bitumen | Viscosity Grade (VG) Bitumen | Performance Grade (PG) Bitumen | Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) | Bitumen Emulsion | Oxidized Bitumen | Cutback Bitumen
Cement & Clinker
Type I - II - V | Low Alkali
Type I - II  - IV - V
White Clinker
42.5 | 52.5
White Cement
42.5 R | 42.5 N
Blast Furnace Slag

Top 7 Sponge Iron (DRI) Suppliers (+Contact info of manufacturers)

In this article, you can find the top exporters (suppliers) of Sponge Iron, also known as DRI. Direct reduced iron, also called sponge iron, is produced from the direct reduction of iron ore to iron by a reducing gas or elemental carbon produced from natural gas or coal (Wikipedia). In some models, Sponge Iron is the category for HBI (Hot Briquette Iron), CDRI (Cold DRI) and HDRI (Hot DRI).

We have gathered information on top suppliers (Exporters) of Sponge Iron from various reliable sources, including Comtrade (international database of United Nations), Midrex yearly booklet, and WorldSteel statistics.

There are different technologies used in DRI plants, and Midrex is the most famous one. Midrex Company has a yearly booklet of world DRI production that can be freely downloaded: Midrex 2018  World Direct Reduction Stats

* Update 02/25/2020: Added two sponge iron suppliers in Algeria and Mexico.

World Top Suppliers by Country

According to the Monthly statistics report published for the year 2018 by the World Steel Association, the top countries by exports of Sponge Iron were (numbers are in Thousand Metric Tons):

[su_note note_color=”#f8f8bc”]

  1. Russia (2,585 Tt)
  2. Malaysia (464 Tt)
  3. India (428 Tt)
  4. USA (412 Tt)
  5. Iran (345 Tt)
  6. Venezuela (322 Tt)
  7. Belgium (111 Tt)



Sponge Iron international trade flow

Major trade routes for international trade of DRI, according to Comtrade data visualized by , are mapped:


resource earth largest trade flow sponge Iron

Resource Earth Largest Trade Flow Sponge Iron


According to statistics provided by the major exporters in Comtrade, the largest flows of exports of «DRI» in 2018 were:

  • Exports from Belgium to France: ($60 million according to external trade statistics of Belgium)
  • Exports from India to Bangladesh: ($126 million according to external trade statistics of India)
  • Exports from Malaysia to Korea: ($147 million according to external trade statistics of Malaysia)
  • Exports from Russia to these destinations (according to external trade statistics of Russia):
    • Algeria ($65m)
    • Belarus ($76m)
    • Belgium ($60m)
    • Germany ($81m)
    • Italy ($485m)
    • Spain ($132m)
    • Uzbekistan ($53m)


Largest Sponge Iron producers by region

In 2018, the Middle East produced almost half of DRI in the world, followed by Asia/Oceania, which was second at 28%. In this infographic, the Midrex team has gathered the information for overall production within the span of three consecutive years:

* Note: This is production numbers. Exports are much smaller (~2.5 Mt for Russia).

2018 midrex world dri production region

2018 midrex world dri production region


Sponge Iron manufactures list (+Contact info)

Major well-known plants manufacturing Sponge Iron segmented by appropriate countries are listed. Every name is linked to the corresponding website and contact information:

[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in Russia” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in Malaysia” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in India” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in the USA” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in Venezuela” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in Algeria” box_color=”#212920″]


[su_box title=”Sponge Iron (DRI) manufacturers/suppliers in Mexico” box_color=”#212920″]



[su_note note_color=”#f8f8bc”]

Are you interested in Clinker, too?

We have a list of top clinker suppliers in the world (with manufacturers’ names) and Vietnam’s top manufacturers.




Midrex 2018  World Direct Reduction Stats


