In this article, you can find the list of top Quicklime suppliers. We have listed suppliers by country and company name. France, Belgium, Germany and the United States of America are the top 5 Quicklime suppliers in the world (according to 2018 international trade stat).
Quicklime has been one of the most fundamental materials in human life from before up to modern life. Quicklime is Calcium Oxide with the CaO molecular formula, which is commonly known as Lime.
Calcination Process:
Calcination is a term in material science and chemistry that removes moisture and volatile substances by applying indirect heating in the solid reaction. This means that the whole process is done in the solid phase, and we have no change in the nature of the commodity. In other words, we just sew the stuff in rotary kilns. Therefore, Calcination is sometimes considered a process of purification.
As the first step, Limestone is crushed into parts through crushers and then transferred into rotary kilns. Then, it heated up to a specified temperature in a determined time.
As you can see, carbon dioxide is released from the limestone composition during this process.
Because of the Calcination process, heating the Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) to a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius in rotary kilns it is named Burnt Lime. On the other hand, Quicklime has high reactivity with Co2, H2O and even moisture in the air. For this reason, Quicklime is called Active Lime.
As mentioned, Quicklime is used for abundant applications in the environment, agriculture, and different industries. However, one of the major Quicklime applications is in the Iron and Steel Industries as a flux for removing impurities in the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) and Electric Arc Furnace (EAF).
Top Quicklime Suppliers (exporters) by country:
According to international trade statistics provided by the UN, in 2018, the world supply (exports) of “Quicklime” exceeded $794 million ( 80 countries). It was $737 million in the previous year (according to the merchandise trade statistics of 90 countries).
The world’s largest quick lime suppliers by country were:
- France – 13% of the world exports ($)
- Germany – 9.71% ($)
- Belgium – 7.52% ($)
- USA – 6.07% ($)
- Canada – 4.96% ($)
- Tanzania – 4.75% ($37 million)
- Argentina – 4.71% ($)
- Malaysia – 4.12% ($)
- Thailand – 3.55% ($)
- Spain – 3.12% ($24 million)
The world’s largest importers of Quicklime were:
- Netherlands – 11.1% of the world imports ($)
- Finland – 8.51% ($)
- Chile – 7.91% ($)
- India – 7.29% ($)
- Canada – 5.77% ($)
- USA – 5.31% ($)
- Other Asia, nes – 5.18% ($)
- Germany – 5.09% ($)
- France – 4.22% ($)
- Sweden – 2.77% ($)
Top Quicklime Manufacturer companies:
Graymont (France), Marker Group (Germany), Lhoist (Belgium) and Austin White Lime are among the biggest Quicklime supplier companies in the world. We have linked each company name to their website for a quick price quote and contact the Quicklime supplier near you.
Quicklime Suppliers/Manufacturers in France:
Quicklime Supplier/Manufacturer in Germany:
Quicklime Suppliers/Manufacturers in Belgium:
Quicklime Supplier/Manufacturer in the USA:
Quicklime Supplier in Oman:
Quicklime Trade Flow:

According to statistics provided by the major exporters, the largest flows of exports of «Quicklime» in 2018 were:
- Argentina to Chile: (4.64% of the world exports, $36 million)
- Belgium to the Netherlands: (2.88% of the world exports, $22 million)
- Canada to the USA: (4.96% of the world exports, $39 million)
- France to Finland: (5.52% of the world exports, $43 million)
- France to Germany: (4.42% of the world exports, $35 million)
- Germany to the Netherlands: (6.46% of the world exports, $51 million)
- Tanzania to Zambia: (3.28% of the world exports, $26 million)
- The USA to Canada: (5.77% of the world exports, $45 million)
- Uruguay to Brazil: (2.25% of the world exports, $17.9 million)
- Zambia to Dem. Rep. Congo: (2.87% of the world exports, $22 million)
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